Prekės kodas: 52


Bethesda Softworks
Pirkti DOOM

Pirkti DOOM Pirkti DOOM Pirkti DOOM Pirkti DOOM Pirkti DOOM Pirkti DOOM Pirkti DOOM

Fight Like Hell

ATTENTION: a microSD card (sold separately) with free storage space of minimum 32GB is required to download this game, plus 5GB on the system memory. You must have your microSD card inserted before beginning the download.

Developed by id Software, the studio that pioneered the first-person shooter genre and created multiplayer Deathmatch, DOOM returns as a brutally fun and challenging modern-day shooter experience. Relentless demons, impossibly destructive guns, and fast, fluid movement provide the foundation for intense, first-person combat – whether you’re obliterating demon hordes through the depths of Hell in the single-player campaign, or competing against your friends in numerous multiplayer modes. There is no taking cover or stopping to regenerate health as you beat back Hell’s raging demon hordes. Combine your arsenal of futuristic and iconic guns, upgrades, movement and an advanced melee system to knock-down, slash, stomp, crush, and blow apart demons in creative and violent ways.

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25,00 €
be PVM: 20,66 €
Prekė išparduota

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Konsolė 18
Žanras 1-o asmens šaudyklė
Regionas Visas pasaulis
Kalbos žaidime Anglų
PEGI reitingas rekomenduojama nuo 18 metų
Išleidimo data 2017
Singleplayer Yra
Multiplayer Yra
Co-Op Nėra
Local Co-Op (Splitscreen) Nėra
Formatas Fizinė kopija (žaidimo kodas dėžutėje)
SVARBU: Žaidimo pakuotė gali būti lenkų/ispanų/vokiečių arba kitomis kalbomis, tačiau žaidime visada bus anglų kalba.