Prekės kodas: 4556

Ministry Of Broadcast

PM Studios
Pirkti Ministry Of Broadcast

Pirkti Ministry Of Broadcast Pirkti Ministry Of Broadcast Pirkti Ministry Of Broadcast Pirkti Ministry Of Broadcast Pirkti Ministry Of Broadcast Pirkti Ministry Of Broadcast Pirkti Ministry Of Broadcast Pirkti Ministry Of Broadcast Pirkti Ministry Of Broadcast


Ministry of Broadcast is a narrative-driven cinematic platformer. Currently being developed in the Czech Republic by four people who share the same ideals, dreams, visions, and love for internet profanity. This is our first game and it is scheduled for release in early 2020 on Nintendo Switch and Steam (PC & Mac). Inspired by titles like the original Prince of Persia (1989) and Oddworld: Abe’s Exoddus, the overall mood and tone is a dark hybrid of Orwell’s 1984 and the hypocritical shine and glamour of modern reality TV. Though both you and the protagonist will struggle under the weight of a dystopian Regime and its subversive tactics, dutiful underlings, and deadly obstacles, we’ve packed the game with challenge, sarcasm, and jokes on all involved. Your crow-friend is going to mock you to your face... a lot.

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30,00 €
be PVM: 24,79 €
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Konsolė 18
Žanras Nuotykių
Regionas Visas pasaulis
Kalbos žaidime Anglų
PEGI reitingas rekomenduojama nuo 16 metų
Išleidimo data 2020
Singleplayer Yra
Formatas Fizinė kopija (žaidimo diskas)
SVARBU: Žaidimo pakuotė gali būti lenkų/ispanų/vokiečių arba kitomis kalbomis, tačiau žaidime visada bus anglų kalba.