Jau keletą savaičių jūs visi vargstate tamsioje kameroje, nors nepadarėte jokio nusikaltimo. Vieną rytą pabudote pajutę kažką neįprasto savo čiužiniuose. Radote laišką iš liūdnai pagarsėjusios Džeinės Kolins. Prieš metus jai pavyko pabėgti iš šio kalėjimo. Ar tai ir jūsų šansas ištrūkti į laisvę?
Norėdami komentuoti, turite būti prisijungę.
17,00 €
be PVM: 14,05 €
Tipas | Tematinis stalo žaidimas |
Žaidėjų skaičius | 2 - 4 |
Trukmė | 60 - 120 Min |
Amžius | 12+ |
Sunkumas | Vidutinis-3/5 |
Kalba | Anglų |
We spent the entire Saturday evening playing this game. We played two people. The game took a very long time because there were many puzzles that took time. The game is different from the rest. Start of the game - you need to divide into teams. We played two people (one on each team). We didn't like it. Then, according to the plot of the game, we teamed up, and it became more interesting. One more nuance - if you play just two, it will take more time to solve the puzzles, and, accordingly, fewer points at the end of the game, so we did not count the points. The plot is interesting. But the tasks are interesting only in the second half of the game.