249,00 €
be PVM: 205,79 €
DXRacer's Formula series offers a premium seating experience at an entry level price. All the components and materials used in the Formula series have been carefully selected to deliver the support you deserve during long sessions in front of the computer.
The armrests are vertically adjustable in 8 positions and the headrest and lumbar cushions are included to offer extra customizability options. The control unit allows you to either unlock the seat, giving you the option to rock back and forth or completely lock the seat in a horizontal position and the backrest is fully adjustable between 90 and 135 degrees.
The SGS certified gas lift together with the robust star base holds weights up to 150 kg (approx. 330 pounds) and the high-quality cold foam helps you keep your posture straight and prevent back pain. The 2" PU-casters rolls smoothly over flat surfaces.
The armrests are vertically adjustable in 8 positions and the headrest and lumbar cushions are included to offer extra customizability options. The control unit allows you to either unlock the seat, giving you the option to rock back and forth or completely lock the seat in a horizontal position and the backrest is fully adjustable between 90 and 135 degrees.
The SGS certified gas lift together with the robust star base holds weights up to 150 kg (approx. 330 pounds) and the high-quality cold foam helps you keep your posture straight and prevent back pain. The 2" PU-casters rolls smoothly over flat surfaces.

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