Product ID: 7582


Square Enix
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Background purple mist


Mysteriously transported from New York City, Frey Holland finds herself trapped in the breathtaking land of Athia. A magical, sentient bracelet is inexplicably wrapped around her arm, and Frey discovers the ability to cast powerful spells and use magic to traverse the sprawling landscapes of Athia. Frey nicknames her new golden companion “Cuff” and sets off to find a way home.

Frey soon learns this beautiful land once flourished under the reign of benevolent matriarchs, called Tantas, until a devastating blight relentlessly corrupted everything it touched. The Break  transformed animals into beasts, men into monsters, and rich landscapes into four dangerous realms. At the center of their shattered domains, the Tantas now rule as maddened and evil sorceresses.

Unaffected by the Break and desperate for answers, Frey reluctantly agrees to help the last remaining citizens of Athia who see her as their only hope. Frey’s journey through this strange and treacherous land will take her deep into the heart of corruption where she must battle monstrous  creatures, confront the powerful Tantas, and uncover secrets that awaken something much more from within.


The Odyssey of a Reluctant Hero

Lead Frey on an unforgettable journey in her search for a way home after being mysteriously transported to a breathtaking, fantastical land. Unravel the mysteries of Athia as Frey travels through the calamitous Break and discovers how to wield an immense power.

A Beautiful and Cruel Open-World -

Explore the sprawling realms of Athia, a striking land of remarkable vistas and otherworldly creatures brought to life through stunning graphics and cutting-edge technology. Venture deep into corrupted territories where a mysterious darkness defiles everything it touches.

Customizable Arsenal of Spells -

Take on twisted monsters in magical combat with a wide range of powerful abilities catering to a variety of playstyles – from fast-paced and exhilarating to strategic and methodical.

Intuitive, Magic-Enhanced Parkour -

Scale walls, vault across canyons, leap from dizzying heights, and dash through vast landscapes. Frey's unique abilities allow her to fluidly traverse the open world with ease.

Arnas B

Žaidimo pradžia yra gana lieta, tačiau žaidimas įsivažioja.

Jonas L

Žaidimas sakyčiau 6/10
Nėra šedevras, bet nėra baisiai ir blogas.
Pliusai - gražus, combat pasidaro neblogas atrakinus fire spells.
Minusai - per daug pasikartojantis open world contentas. Story šiek tiek nuobodokas.

žygimantas S

Pabandžiau ir tikrai patiko, nėra lifechanger, bet laikui praleist tikrai puikus žaidimas

Martynas ž

Žaidimas nėra šedevras, bet tikrai nėra toks prastas kaip yra teigiama. Yra didelis ir gražus pasaulis su daug veiklos. Istorija tikrai patiko :)

Vytautas L

Na, čia sunkus atvejis. Laukiau Forspoken gana ilgai ir nuobodžiai, bet sulaukęs - tikrai nesigialiu. Taip, žaidime yra specifinių, ir net labai kritikos vertų dalykų (grafiniai niuansai, per daug tuščias ir monotoniškas pasaulis, bendras netolygumas), bet čia tikrai yra ir daug pliusų - veikėjai, istorija, itin gera ir įvairi kova, žaismo elementai naršant pasaulį. Rizikuoti ir pirkti pilna kaina nepatariu, bet išbandyti, kai kainuos perpus mažiau ir bus išleista daugiau atnaujinimų - tikrai verta.

Evaldas T

Zaidimas turi ukinaliu elementu, tokiu kaip combat system ar magic parkour, bet visa laika zaidziant kilo mintys, kad nei vienas is siu elementu nera iki galo isdirbtas, nors potencialas didelis. Is optimizavimo puses irgi nekazka, pasaulis grazus, bet neiseina jo pamatyti 4k arba be lago. Istorija visai nebloga, norejosi pamatyti kas bus toliau, bet vel nusivylimas, nes viskas buvo "suversta" per paskutine zaidimo valanda.

Tomas B
Pre-release Review

Mėgstu visus RPG. Manau ir šitas bus tikrai idomus.

Rokas Ž
Pre-release Review

Buvo kilusios dvejones del zaidimo pirkimo, ne paslaptis yra demo ps store, kelis kartus pazaidziau tai ispudis ne koks. Po to kiek pasigilinau pazaidziau dar kart ir nusipirkau :) laukiam kada galesim pabut raganom! Hogwartso isejimo datai laikui uzmust manau susizais smagiai :)

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tax excl: €16.53
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Console 316
Genre RPG
Game Languages English
PEGI rating 16 years old and above
Release date 2022
Singleplayer Yes
Multiplayer No
Co-Op No
Local Co-Op (Splitscreen) No
Format Physical copy (Compact disc)
IMPORTANT: The game pack may be in Polish / Spanish / German or other languages, but the game will always be in English.