- A New Chapter in the Resident Evil Storyline
- Latest Console Technology
- Popular Resident Evil Features
- Familiar Faces and New Foes
- Evolution of Combat
- 25th Anniversary Celebration Bonus
- Play Across Generations Resident Evil Village
Product Description
Experience survival horror like never before in Resident Evil Village, the eighth major installment in the genre-defining Resident Evil franchise. Set a few years after the horrifying events in the critically acclaimed Resident Evil 7 biohazard, the all-new storyline brings Ethan Winters to a remote snow-capped village filled with a diverse cast of terrifying enemies. After a devastating encounter with Resident Evil series hero Chris Redfield, Ethan pursues him in search of answers but finds himself in an entirely new nightmare.
Modern console technology paired with Capcom’s proprietary RE Engine delivers a visceral experience combining pulse-pounding action with signature survival horror gameplay synonymous with the Resident Evil series. Harnessing the newest console technology, Resident Evil Village delivers stunning graphics and advanced technology on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X S. New gameplay features harken back to fan-favorite elements from previous Resident Evil games while new mechanics offer more depth to the action during combat.
Receive Resident Evil Re:Verse, the new title celebrating 25 years of Resident Evil, for free when you purchase Resident Evil Village!
- If you purchase Resident Evil Village on the PlayStation®5, then the version of Resident Evil Re:Verse will be for the PlayStation®4, and if you purchase Village on the Xbox Series X, you will receive the Xbox One version of Re:Verse.
- Resident Evil Re:Verse is an online-only multiplayer title. The PlayStation®4 and PlayStation®5 versions require a PlayStation®Plus membership, and the Xbox One and Xbox Series X versions require an Xbox Live Gold membership in order to play.
- Details of the operational period for Resident Evil Re:Verse, including commencement of availability and any potential announcements relating to the end of service, can be found on the official website.
- Please note that, depending on the timing of your purchase of Resident Evil Village, Resident Evil Re:Verse may already no longer be available, and/or the title may become available through other means in the future.
- Product codes are included with the physical version of Resident Evil Village. If you purchase the digital version, content can be downloaded from the online store the game was purchased from.
- Product codes will become invalid if the content is no longer available.
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Console | |
Genre | Horror |
Region | World Wide |
Game Languages | English |
PEGI rating | 18 years old and above |
Release date | 2021 |
Singleplayer | Yes |
Local Co-Op (Splitscreen) | No |
Format | Physical copy (Compact disc) |
IMPORTANT: | The game pack may be in Polish / Spanish / German or other languages, but the game will always be in English. |
Ši dalis pasirodė kaip RE7 ir RE4(2023) mixas. Buvo keletas vietų kur tikrai nejauku buvo kaip RE7. Šioje dalyje palyginus su praeita dalim daugiau veiksmo nei siaubo. Istorija nebloga, gameplayus tikrai geras.
Main story pereit užtrukau 11val + 3val DLC. Dėl platinos reikės pasikankint ir ilgiau ;)
Free upgrade PSVR2. Labai gerai.
Su VR2 Neraliai gerulis
Vienas geriausių žaidimų
Smagus žaidimas - kaip visada su RE serijos žaidimais, nežinai ko tikėtis iš siužeto, ir kadangi fantazijos kūrėjams netrūksta, tai susižaidžia gerai. Perėjau per ~ 10 val.
Greitas pristatymas. Viskas tvarkinga.
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Tikrai neblogas zaidimas, tik palikta nemazai smulkiu bug'u, bet overall rekomenduoju
Super žaidimas, greitas pristatymas ,kokybiškas aptarnavimas ✌️
Super preorder bonusas, ilgai lauktas žaidimas ps5 konsolei.
Toks vidutinis game, nera blogaals, bet geru irgi nepavadinciau
Gautas išleidimo diena. Super pristatymo greitis!
Gauta isleidimo diena, zaidimas liux
Laukiamas žaidimas.
Ilusa graafikaga mäng
One of the sickest horror survivals ever done.