After crash-landing on this shape-shifting world, Selene must search through the barren landscape of an ancient civilization for her escape. Isolated and alone, she finds herself fighting tooth and nail for survival. Again and again, she’s defeated – forced to restart her journey every time she dies.
Through relentless roguelike gameplay, you’ll discover that just as the planet changes with every cycle, so do the items at your disposal. Every loop offers new combinations, forcing you to push your boundaries and approach combat with a different strategy each time.
Brought to life by stunning visual effects, the dark beauty of the decaying world around you is packed with explosive surprises. From high stakes, bullet hell-fuelled combat, to visceral twists and turns through stark and contrasting environments. You’ll explore, discover and fight your way through an unforgiving journey, where mystery stalks your every move.
Designed for extreme replayability, the procedural world of Returnal invites you to dust yourself off in the face of defeat and take on new, evolving challenges with every rebirth.
Through relentless roguelike gameplay, you’ll discover that just as the planet changes with every cycle, so do the items at your disposal. Every loop offers new combinations, forcing you to push your boundaries and approach combat with a different strategy each time.
Brought to life by stunning visual effects, the dark beauty of the decaying world around you is packed with explosive surprises. From high stakes, bullet hell-fuelled combat, to visceral twists and turns through stark and contrasting environments. You’ll explore, discover and fight your way through an unforgiving journey, where mystery stalks your every move.
Designed for extreme replayability, the procedural world of Returnal invites you to dust yourself off in the face of defeat and take on new, evolving challenges with every rebirth.
Intense combat
- Fight to survive in this third-person roguelike shooter.
- Take on ruthless enemies in explosive, bullet hell-fuelled combat.
Thrilling exploration
- Manage equipment and resources carefully – every time you die, you restart from the beginning.
- Scavenge alien tech for upgrades to enhance your abilities in future cycles.
Haunting narrative
- Piece together fragments of Selene’s memories as she seeks out answers.
- Forge a personal connection with the planet as you explore its constantly evolving and decaying terrain.
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tax excl: €28.93
Console | |
Genre | Action |
Region | World Wide |
Game Languages | English |
PEGI rating | 16 years old and above |
Release date | 2021 |
Singleplayer | Yes |
Multiplayer | No |
Co-Op | No |
Local Co-Op (Splitscreen) | No |
Format | Physical copy (Compact disc) |
IMPORTANT: | The game pack may be in Polish / Spanish / German or other languages, but the game will always be in English. |
Labai ilgai laukiau kol galėsiu išmėgint šitą puikų žaidimą, ačiū ir pagarbėlė.
Spalvų gamma nuostabi, fps leidžia veiksmui vykti sklandžiau. Tobulas startinis game pristatyti ps5,
Viskas greitai, žaidimas geras.
Itin sunkus žaidimas, ne silpnų nervų žaidėjams
Sunkumo lygis didžiausias :) labiausiai patiko, kad jame atskleidžiamos visos ps5 pultelio galimybės ir pojūčiai
Puikus rogue like ps5 zaidimas, kuris parodo Sony dedikacija islaikyti kokybiskus zaidimus
NUostabus Metroid, Roguelite ir Lovecraft mišinys :)
Vienintelis rogue-like žaidimas Mano manymu galintis lygiuotis su Returnal yra Hades. Žinoma, lygiuotis į jį Hades gali tik gameplay aspektu, nes Returnal grafika, atmosfera, valdymas (dual sense funkcija) lygių neturi ne tik tarp rogue-like bet ir tarp kitų stilių žaidimų.
Sunkesnis nei dark souls ir niekas nepades cia su bosu, idomus game, bet daug kam nervos neatlaikys nuo sunkumo
Gražus, įtraukiantis žaidimas
Šis yra vienas geriausių modernių rogue-lite žaidimų. Jo sunkumas yra tobūlas. Kai kurie sako, kad jis yra panašaus ar didesnio sunkumo negu Demon Souls, bet mano manymu jis yra daug lengvesnis. DualSense pultelio funkcijos puikiai išnaudojamos, geros vibracijas. Dižiausias trūkumas yra tas, kad negali viduryje runo išsaugoti.
Nuostabus rogue-lite 3D shooteris. Puikiai išnaudoja PS5 galimybės: atrodo fantastiškai su ray-tracing, garsas per ausines labai įtraukiantis į aplinką, dualsense pilnai išnaudotas ir loading times neegzistuoja. Silnų nervų žaidėjams nerekomenduojama. Būna kartais ir valandą praleidi žaidimo cikle ir staiga miršti dėl aplaidumo arba elementariausios nesekmės. Tokiais momentais norisi ir verkti, ir dar kartą išbandyti savo jėgas.
Labai grazus, Lovecraft pasakojimu ikveptas zaidimas. Zodziu jei patiko tokie filmai kaip Groundhog day ar Edge of tomorrow patiks ir sitas !
Предзаказ игры пришел в тот же день, когда вышла игра . Остался очень доволен оперативностью :)