After a secretive agency in New York is invaded by an otherworldly threat, you must become the new Director struggling to regain Control as you fight your way through a deep an unpredictable world.
Become the new Director struggling to regain Control
You are Jesse Faden, a young woman with a troubled past. You become the new Director of the Bureau of Control – Our frontline in researching and fighting against supernatural enemies like the Hiss threatening our very existence.
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Palikite savo el-paštą, ir mes informuosime kai gausime prekės papildymą!
Console | |
Genre | Action |
Region | Europa (Pal/2 region) |
Game Languages | English |
PEGI rating | 18 years old and above |
Release date | 2020 |
Singleplayer | Yes |
Multiplayer | No |
Co-Op | No |
Local Co-Op (Splitscreen) | No |
Format | Physical copy (Compact disc) |
IMPORTANT: | The game pack may be in Polish / Spanish / German or other languages, but the game will always be in English. |
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