Welcome to Hope County, Montana, home to a fanatical doomsday cult known as Eden’s Gate. Stand up to cult leader Joseph Seed & his siblings, the Heralds, to spark the fires of resistance & liberate the besieged community.
Far Cry comes to America in the latest installment of the award-winning franchise.
Welcome to Hope County, Montana, land of the free and the brave but also home to a fanatical doomsday cult known as Eden’s Gate. Stand up to cult leader Joseph Seed, and his siblings, the Heralds, to spark the fires of resistance and liberate the besieged community.
Free Hope County in solo or two-player co-op. Recruit Guns and Fangs for hire to help defeat the cult.
A WORLD THAT HITS BACKWreak havoc on the cult and its members but beware of the wrath of Joseph Seed and his followers.
CARVE YOUR OWN PATHBuild your character and choose your adventure in the largest customizable Far Cry game ever!
DYNAMIC TOYSTake control of iconic muscle cars, ATV's, planes and a lot more to engage the cult forces in epic fights.
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Palikite savo el-paštą, ir mes informuosime kai gausime prekės papildymą!
Console | |
Genre | FPS |
Region | Europa (Pal/2 region) |
Game Languages | English |
PEGI rating | 18 years old and above |
Release date | 2018 |
Singleplayer | Yes |
Multiplayer | Yes |
Co-Op | Yes |
Local Co-Op (Splitscreen) | No |
Format | Physical copy (Compact disc) |
IMPORTANT: | The game pack may be in Polish / Spanish / German or other languages, but the game will always be in English. |
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