Immerse yourself in Little Nightmares, a dark whimsical tale that will confront you with your childhood fears! Help Six escape The Maw – a vast, mysterious vessel inhabited by corrupted souls looking for their next meal. As you progress on your journey, explore the most disturbing dollhouse offering a prison to escape from and a playground full of secrets to discover. Reconnect with your inner child to unleash your imagination and find the way out!
Return to a world of charming horror in Little Nightmares II, a suspense adventure game in which you play as Mono, a young boy trapped in a world that has been distorted by the humming transmission of a distant tower.
With Six, the girl in the yellow raincoat, as his guide, Mono sets out to discover the dark secrets of The Signal Tower. Their journey won't be easy; Mono and Six will face a host of new threats from the terrible residents of this world.
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Palikite savo el-paštą, ir mes informuosime kai gausime prekės papildymą!
Console | |
Genre | Adventure |
Region | World Wide |
Game Languages | English |
PEGI rating | 16 years old and above |
Release date | 2021 |
Singleplayer | Yes |
Format | Physical copy (Compact disc) |
IMPORTANT: | The game pack may be in Polish / Spanish / German or other languages, but the game will always be in English. |
9/10 balų, iš pradžių nesupratau kas vyksta pirmoje dalyje. Valdai mažą žmogeliuka, kuris gelbėja savo likimo draugus esančius košmare, tačiau pirmoji dalis taip greit ir nutrūko spejusi sudominti, nes labai trumpa istorija. O antros dar neišbandžiau, bet nekantraudamas laukiau kaip viskas bus toliau 😁
Traileriai osum, laukiu papildymo 😁